Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Closer Look at the Remaining Bachelors...

We're down to five bachelors vying for Ali: Frank, Kirk, Chris L., Ty and Roberto. *side note - Since Chris L. is the only Chris left and no one knew who the heck Chris N. was anyway, let's just call him Chris, shall we?

ABC's little teaser/spoiler at the end of the last episode has me computing who is going home at what juncture. I have a million other things to do, but darn it this is important! We saw Frank and Roberto introducing Ali to their families, so clearly they won't leave this week. And we see Ty in Tahiti, so he must make it through the next two weeks. So either Chris or Kirk is going home this week. I think. Hmmm. It did show Ali with a someone's dad looking at the beautiful handiwork from his taxidermy. (supress gag reflex) How could she not just run from the room screaming? They would have found me cowering under the dining room table still in shock from the room of death. That would give me nightmares for weeks. It may still and I am watching it from a safe distance on my TV. I respect a man who works for a living, but for the life of me cannot understand why there is any demand for this. I don't think it was Frank or Roberto's dad, but it could have been Ty's...Who knows?

And Frank is in Tahiti also, so do we think the top three are Frank, Roberto and Ty? The KnitWits are big Roberto fans so I don't think any of us think he's going home. He also seems pretty normal. Ty is fine and is probably more attractive in person. I don't want to be unkind, but someone left the barn doors open. I'll leave it at that.

Frank is a retail manager, Ty is in medical sales, Chris is a landscaper, Kirk is a sales consultant, and Roberto is an insurance salesman. I don't think their jobs make them any more or less suitable for Ali, but keep in mind she quit her job to be there, so someone better have an income. I have looked at a few articles that explain what Frank is going to do next week, but I won't make this a spoiler site. If you want to find out before next week just google Frank Neuschaefer and you'll find more than enough info. I haven't been to Reality Steve yet this season but I am sure he has the info too. It wasn't as fun knowing who won during Jake's season so I haven't gone there. Yet.

My best guess now would be that if Frank leaves and she's choosing between Ty and Roberto, she would choose Roberto. I don't know why I assume it's Roberto going through instead of Kirk or Chris - it's just a gut feeling. Plus she says all the time how hot she thinks Roberto is.

I am now off to watch tonight's episode of Top Chef that I DVRed earlier. What can I say - My reality indulgence is not limited to Monday nights. I may have to discuss Say Yes to the Dress and Bethenny Getting Married later, but right now I don't have the brain power. And that is pretty sad.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Current KnitWit projects

Yes, the KnitWits actually do knit.

KnitWit Joy just finished a baby bonnet from a pattern in Last-Minute Knitted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson. The yarn specified in the pattern was enough to make two bonnets and now she is making some matching mittens. She even thinks she'll have enough to make some booties too! The yarn is wool - Rowan Kid Classic. We'll post pics when she's through!

KnitWit Mary Beth is knitting a baby blanket out of a sort of funfetti looking yarn by I Love This Cotton. Super cute! Baby blankets are always fun to knit - such a heartfelt gift and truly shows the effort you put forth to welcome the newborn. And completed soon enough so that you don't feel weighed down by the task. I'm excited to see the end result!

KnitWit Meredith found a great pattern for a modern baby bonnet in Vintage Knits for Modern Babies by Hadley Fierlinger. It's on size 6 needles and light - probably fingering weight wool yarn. The bonnet is cream colored and should be so sweet when she is finished.

KnitWit Laura did not knit last night. I gave birth on April 22nd and since then I have my knitting on hold. As in sitting on a pair of circular needles in my knitting bag. It's a pretty blue mercerized cotton that I have knit a lace pattern on. Don't ask me what it is yet - I haven't quite decided. It is somewhere between a shawl and a baby blanket. I usually don't do big lace for babies because their fingers might get stuck in it, but this is so pretty. The pattern reminds me of lilies of the valley. I see one spot in it where I skipped a few rows of the pattern - whoops! Not going back as much as it kills me. I figure if there's a baby on the blanket, no one will notice.

Some of the KnitWits were on vacation last night so we'll post their projects soon. The Knit Picks catalog came today (yea!!!)so I am going to kick back with it to wind down the evening. The photos always instigate such inspiration!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

we now return to our program, already in progress

Knitting night!
Let's get right to it: The Bachelorette. So we all knew what was coming, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable to see Justin get his ass handed to him when he's busted for having a girlfriend. Chris Harrison comes to Ali's room and delivers the partial news. We wait as he rings informant Jessie, of Jake's season, to deliver the full information. Thanks, ABC, for having a camera in Toronto. We were having trouble remembering which one Jessie was.

So Jessie reveals that Justin has a girlfriend and that she is sitting next to her right now! Girlfriend Jessica gets on the phone and goes on to say that Justin hatched a plan to go on the show to become famous and planned to marry her upon his return. She also says that she agreed to and assisted him with the plan. But after he left, she found out he had another girlfriend as well. Ali is overcome and feels so sorry for Jessica. Okay, wait a minute. Let's back up. Justin already has a girlfriend, maybe two, and came on the show anyway. Girlfriend number one helped him perpetrate this fraud. So why are we feeling sorry for her? KnitWit Mary Beth made this call and I stand by it.

On to Justin. Set aside that he's a wrestler. He is still a major cheeseball! I have difficulty believing women are fighting over him. I'll admit that while he was on the show, I was taking pleasure in seeing Justin 20-30 paces behind the group hobbling along on his crutches. Especially on the sand at the beach. No sympathy points here. That was hilarious.

But Ali somehow had a connection with him and is astonished that he's been acting the whole time. I do love it that she doesn't mince words when ripping him up and down for outright lying. His run away scene was excellent and I must commend the camera men for following him as he was making his escape. He was climbing through shrubberies and some sort of water feature, very slowly getting away. It's not like she couldn't have caught up. Then he decides to come back and try to explain, but Ali's not buying it for a second. Good call.

I think there are many lessons learned here. 1. Never help your boyfriend go on a reality show to try to marry someone else. 2. When everyone in the household warns you about another contender, listen to them (ahem Vienna). 3. Stay away from cheeseball entertainment wrestlers with chains and triangular soul patches.

Let's get to the dates. Ty gets the first one-on-one date. The consensus at the KnitWits is that he seems nice, but probably not going to be the ultimate winner. She takes him to the Turkish baths where she thinks it's so hot and steamy that they should get close pretty quickly - in other words, she's already decided to make out with him. And she does. Afterward, they go have a quaint dinner together where she asks him about his divorce. The long and the short of it is that he served the papers, and the main reason was that he is very traditional and did not want his wife to work. He might not have used those exact words, but that was the gist. Ali listened intently with her eyes getting wider like they do when she thinks someone's crazy. And yet saying that traditional is the last word to describe her, she offers him the rose. Then they danced in the street and kissed. And he said the dance was "rememorable," which is not a word so he is fired (just by me).

The group date was interesting. Chris L., Kirk, Roberto, and Craig all go to a fifteenth century fortress and wrestle professional olive oil wrestlers and then each other. Against the professional wrestlers it was brutal. They all pretty much went down. Against each other they had more of a chance, but Craig prevailed as he was determined to win the one-on-one time with Ali. Everyone was astounded as he is not an athlete and the rest are. KnitWit Meredith is saddened by less screen time for Roberto (she hearts him), but is glad he won't be making out with Ali. Craig gets his precious one-on-one time with Ali, his first, and also a trophy in the shape of a pair of pants. I can't explain. They take a boat to a tower on an island where they enjoy dinner, champagne and fireworks. No makeout session which probably means no rose.

Final one-on-one date goes to Frank. KnitWits love Frank but agree that he should always keep his glasses on and that he is overemotional. And that he dresses better than her even though she has people choosing her clothes. She does have on some serious boots for shopping in the Turkish Bazaar. Frank is pretty funny. He tries on a Carmac the Magnificent turban and Ali tries on a belly dancer costume. Then they buy a rug and carry it around for the rest of the date. They go to a cistern and wade out to a palette to eat their dinner. Frank is still carrying the rug. They have a heart-to-heart talk about their relationship. It makes Frank nervous, it makes Ali scared, but he is ready to follow his heart and she tells him he should. She offers him the rose and then they make out. He's falling for her.

Ali decides to skip the cocktail party as she already knows what she's going to do. And, as predicted by the KnitWits, Craig is out. We all think he seems nice and that women will pounce on him when he returns home.

ABC should have given a spoiler alert before the preview of the coming weeks. They basically showed who was with Ali in Portugal, as you'd expect, but then her meeting Frank and Roberto's families! And if that weren't enough, they go on to show Ty in Tahiti (final three) and Frank going to Tahiti and telling Ali something that makes both of them cry - looks like he's bailing out on her. What?!?! That's more than a teaser.
I'll post about knitting separately as my 2-month old daughter is waking up and I have to go see about her!!

Reality KnitWits - the Rules

Welcome to Reality KnitWits. The KnitWits are a group of girls who knit together on Monday nights specifically so we can watch reality shows and have been doing so for about 3 or 4 years. Shows of choice are primarily The Bachelor/ette and Dancing with the Stars, but may be substituted with any other fluff if necessary.

Rules include:
1. We are the judgers, not the judgees - these people signed up to be on the shows so we will make fun of them at will and will not be thought less of for doing so.
2. Knitting is encouraged but not required. If you do not have a current project, you can still attend and use your time for running commentary on any given show.
3. We will not judge the state of Laura's house, which shall remain slightly messy.
4. We will help each other with knitting projects, giving advice where we can, solving misprints in any cryptic patterns, celebrating successes and mourning frogging.*

In the spirit of doing something productive
with our time, other than knitting, we have agreed to contribute reviews of knitting patterns to this blog. We will add pictures of our projects and comment on the patterns, colors and fibers used, what we love and what we would have done differently. In the spirit of being true to ourselves, we will also be commenting on the shows.

*frogging - removing needles and ripping out rows (and hours) of knitting after discovering an error
"rip it, rip it"