Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hot Mess!

Okay, anyone who has even heard of the Bachelor Pad knows what a train wreck it's going to be.  In fact - it's a train wreck by design.  It is 100% meant to be all the drama from season's past crammed into one household.The premise is thinly veiled with a competition for $250,000.  You know that crazy music they play behind the people talking who are losing their marbles?  Practically the theme music for this show.  Needless to say - I'm in.
Chris Harrison introduces the Bachelor Pad in his casual attire - jeans, an open collar button down, and a navy blazer.  He gives a brief explanation but no one knows how exactly this show is going to work - all living under one roof and sleeping in one bedroom.  Let's see who is here!
1. Tenley (26)- Jake's season
2. Jesse B (25)- Ali's season
3. Natalie (28) - Jason's season ("I'm super attractive")
4. David (28) - Jillian's season (anger management)
5. Gwen (??) - Aaron's season
6. Jessie S (25) - Jake's season
7. Weatherman (31) - Ali's season
8. Nikki (30) - Jason's season
9. Juan (37) - Jillian's season (Lunchie)
10. Wes (33) - Jillian's season
11. Krisily (30) - Charlie's season
12. Elizabeth (30) - Jake's season (newly blonde)
13. Jesse K (28) - Jillian's season
14. Kiptyn (32) - Jillian's season
15. Ashley (30) - Jake's season
16. Peyton (27) - Andy's season
17. Michelle (26) - Jake's season
18. Gia (26) - Jake's season
19. Craig M. (34) - Ali's season

11 girls and 8 boys!  During the arrivals we get a little breakdown of how people feel about each other in the house.  News flash - this is not the first time many of them have met.  Aside from many of them being in the same season, apparently there are bachelor reunions so they all get together and hook up.  Yuck.
So, the following information was revealed, not necessarily in this order.
Tenley likes Kiptyn, has met him before. Natalie likes Jesse B. - meeting for first time.  Jesse B. likes Natalie. Natalie knows David from reunions and they are friends. David and Jesse B. think Gwen is old. Nikki had a one night stand with Juan. Nikki does not want to see Juan. Juan does not want to see Nikki. Elizabeth has been hooking up with Jesse K over the last three months.  She loves him but does not think he feels the same way about her.  Jesse K does not really feel the same way about her. Everyone thinks Michelle is crazy.  All guys think Gia is hot.  Gia has a boyfriend at home.  Weatherman still hates Craig M. 

Chris Harrison explains the game.  Each week there will be a competition, the winner of which will receive a rose.  The winner gets a rose (immunity) and gets to go on a date with whomever they choose.  Guys will be voting off the girls, girls will be voting off the guys.  Chris Harrison brings in his co-host Melissa Rycroft-Strickland and then invites everyone to explore the house.  Guys and Girls are speculating how hooking up with people in the house will affect their game for the money. 

Pool party time.  The girls congregate and decide that they are going to vote off Craig M. tonight.  Elizabeth in particular thinks very low of him because of the way he treated the Weatherman.  Melissa comes out the pool and tells them it is time for their first challenge.  And what better to play in your bikini than Twister?  Body parts are everywhere.  In the middle of the game, Elizabeth announces that the girls would want any guy to win but Craig M.  So who wins?  You guessed it - Craig M.  He gets the rose and immunity.  He also gets to take 3 girls on a date and bestow one of them with a rose/immunity.

That evening Craig wants to talk to Elizabeth because he thinks she doesn't like him.  She doesn't like him and thinks he's mean.  She tells him that she gets bad vibes from him but that he needs to win her over.  Nighty night!

So in the night everyone thinks some people were smooching.  Tenley thinks it was Michelle and Craig M.  Note to Tenley - don't start rumors about someone you think is crazy.  Michelle denies anything happened.  The date card comes and Craig M. invites Jessie S., Gwen and Elizabeth.  They get in their bikinis and hop in the limo to the beach.  They play in the surf for a bit.  Elizabeth asks Jessie if she would kiss Craig for the rose.  Jessie says no, she's not like that.  Elizabeth asks if Jessie would mad at her if she did.  Craig and Elizabeth talk.  Craig thinks they almost kissed.  No you didn't, Craig. 

Meanwhile, back at the pad, Krisily and Juan are talking - neither are here to make friends.  Juan says if he had to choose between the money and the love of his life, he'd take the money and run.  Natalie and Jesse B. are smooching in front of the others now.  Gia and Juan think votes to break up couples would be smart. 

So back on the date - they arrive at some arena all dolled up.  They are met by Melissa Rycroft-Strickland who tells Craig M. that he has to give out the rose now and that the date is over for the other two girls.  He chooses Jessie.  Gwen and Elizabeth are sent home in the limo.  Craig M. and Jessie have a private concert with Alex Band. 

Back at the pad, Jesse K. tells Elizabeth that it is bad for his mojo for her to call dibs on him.  Okay, what did we say about making crazy people mad?  She's not crazy like psycho crazy - she's like obsessive fatal attraction kind of crazy.  She tells Jesse that it will have bad consequences for him if he is hurtful to her.  Good thing he didn't bring his pet rabbit!!  Elizabeth leaves crying.

Michelle decides to confront Tenley about the rumor she started.  Cue crazy music.  Michelle traps Tenley in the bathroom where cameramen and producers can't get to her.  She apparently block the floor with her foot.  Michelle tears Tenley a new one using all sorts of profanity - you know Tenley thought she was going to kill her.  So poor little fragile Tenley is crying to Elizabeth about Michelle abducting her and Elizabeth suggests that the guys should vote off Michelle.

It's over soon, I promise.  Juan comes and apologizes to Nikki for being a jerk.  She doesn't buy it or forgive him.  Too little, too late.  Krisily thinks that the girls should vote off the most athletic, smart guys first so that the girls can win the competitions!  Natalie goes and tells David that the athletic guys may be in trouble.  So guys are probably voting off Krisily or Michelle.  Elizabeth and Jesse K. talk again and Jesse K. thinks he may have made a mistake.  He will be nice to Elizabeth after all.

Everyone votes by going into a deliberation room and putting the photo of the person they think should go home into the ballot box.
Then they have a good old-fashioned rose ceremony but two of our guests don't get roses at the end.  Michelle and Juan.  Bye, Lunchie!  Note to Tenley:  Michelle seems like she might hold a grudge.  Be thinking security options for after the show. 

I'm exhausted!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Final Rose

So it has come to this.  One woman, two men, one rose.  It's Roberto v. Chris in the battle for Ali's heart.  After all she has been through this season, and all she has given up (ahem), she has to choose between these two.  Tonight she is taking them to meet her family, but in true Bachelor/ette form this is not a realistic setting at all.  Not in her hometown in Massachusetts or even her home in San Francisco, but in Bora Bora.  So really, though these guys get to meet the members of her family, they see nothing about her life.  Of course I guess she gave everything up, so maybe there is nothing to see anymore.  First, we get a little recap of how each of the relationships progressed.

First off is Roberto, and you can tell she is nuts about him.  She can't ever keep her hands off of him.  I think she really has this deep infatuation with him, despite his proclivity to wear plaid on all occasions.  One more thing and then I'll let it go.  Given his, um, glandular issues, why would he wear long sleeves?  In the middle of the day?  In Bora Bora?  Ugh.  Anyway, Ali brings Roberto for a meal with her family.  Her family is cute - 1 sister, 1 brother, mom and dad.  She doesn't much look like any of them.  Ali looks ecstatic to introduce Roberto to her family.  First Roberto has a brief talk with the siblings.  He tells them that he had an immediate connection with Ali.  After the meal, Mom steals Roberto away for a chat.  She says that she believes that his heart is pure - for some reason she says it in Spanish. Really uncertainly.  You know he speaks English, right?  Nice sentiment, weird delivery.  Next Roberto talks to Ali's dad.  Roberto asks for Ali's hand in marriage.  Her Dad says he seems like a great guy so he doesn't have a problem with Roberto proposing.  Then everyone salsa dances!!  Ali walks him out and smooches him a little.

Next day Ali brings Chris to meet her family.  They were all happy he was from Massachusetts.  They all seemed to get along really well and he has a lot in common with them.  Chris explains about his mom quite a bit.  He is really not dwelling on it - they are asking a lot of questions.  He steps out to get to know the siblings.  Chris tells them he is in love with Ali and that he is going to propose.  Ali does not seem quite so bubbly about Chris as she was about Roberto, but you never know how the show is positioning things.  They have tricked me several times!   Then Ali's dad asks Chris to go out on the deck and talk. They have a nice talk and Chris asks for Ali's hand in marriage.  Again, Ali's dad says no problem.  Then all the family get into their swimsuits and jump off the pier and swim for a while.  Afterward, Chris and Ali smooch a little and then Chris leaves.

Ali talks to her family about the guys.  They like them both, naturally.  They relayed their impressions of the guys.  Dad seems to be going for Roberto.  Sister seems to be going for Chris.  Mom thinks they both love Ali but it is her choice.  Ali says it was insightful - must have been a lot on the cutting room floor.

Next she gets a chance for some alone time with Roberto. They ride on a jet ski and Ali says she likes to get on machines that go really fast.  She loves that Roberto is fearless.  (That does not sound so good for Chris after the moped incident).  They "come upon a school of sting rays" and get off the jet ski to swim with them.  If this is so impromptu, why does Roberto have food for them?  The sting rays clearly had been fed by tourists before and were not shy at all about swimming right up to them.  Lucky Roberto had that squid in his pocket. They have a picnic on a private beach. It starts to rain so they go out in the ocean and make out. It makes sense!!!  Later they retire to Roberto's cabana for champagne and snacks.  He gives her a photo of them in the heart shaped lagoon with a message written on the back.  He loves her.  Even though she is supposed to be leaving as she has a date with Chris tomorrow, she doesn't want to leave.  And doesn't.

So the next day she goes to Chris' cabana and basically lays it out for him as nicely as she can.  She thinks he is great, but she's in love with someone else.  She wanted to tell him now instead of at the final rose ceremony where it would be more painful.  I guess that makes sense.  I still think Chris is the better guy, but to each his own I suppose.  Chris is visibly hurt by this break up, but he seems so mature about it and wishes her luck.  Later he trashes his room.  Just kidding.  What really happens is that he walks outside after Ali leaves and there is a huge rainbow, even though it hasn't rained.  He feels strongly that it is his mother supporting him from beyond.

Neil Lane comes to Roberto's hut and Roberto chooses a ring for Ali.  Roberto says he is thinking about this a lot and really wants to feel 100% that it is the right thing to do.  He does not know Chris is gone yet.  Both Ali and Roberto get dressed up and it's final rose ceremony time!! Roberto approaches on a boat and he is reflecting on the last 24 hours.  "I have never done this much thinking in my life" he confesses.  Don't worry, Roberto, it's almost over.  Your poor little brain can rest soon.  Roberto tells Ali that he wants to be the man for her.  She reveals that he is the only guy there and that she loves him. He gets down on one knee and asks her to marry him.  She says yes!  Very sweet.  Then the cheese factor sweeps in with a montage of their relationship set to Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Ali offers Roberto the final rose and he accepts.

After the Final Rose is pretty anti-climactic.  Frank is a no-show.  He was supposed to come talk to Ali but made a last minute cancellation.  I guess he just didn't want people to get a  chance to think he's a selfish jerk.  Too late! No closure for Ali, but at this point who cares. Chris Harrison asks if Ali would have taken Frank to the final two if he hadn't done what he did.  She says she has no way of knowing, but she had thought he would probably meet her family. She forgives him.

Chris L. is there, tan, with shorter blonder hair - looking great.  He says it was hard for him, but Ali telling him before the ceremony speaks to what kind of girl she is.  Chris isn't resentful -  you can't force love.  He says he is ready to go find love now.  He and Ali talk and all is well. Ali confesses that her relationship with Chris was more the fun stuff and that her relationship with Roberto was more romance focused.  Ali also noticed the rainbow in Bora Bora and knows it was his mom too.  She said she was crying, the crew was crying.  Everyone- even Chris Harrison - thinks it was just spectacular.

Now we see Ali and Roberto reunite.  They are moving to San Diego together and are planning a wedding next summer or maybe next spring.  They feel like the relationship was meant to be.  Roberto is wearing plaid again.  They watch the proposal back and get emotional.  They are happy together!  ABC has a surprise gift for them, and who'd have guessed but a helicopter is waiting right now to take them to Catalina.  That's really nice but I swear ABC would've had a helicopter to take them across the street to Starbucks.  Talk about a preferred mode of transportation!  Ali and Roberto will have dreams of those chopper wings forever!!

No new Bachelor reveal, but there was a good preview for the Bachelor Pad.  Or as I like to call it, The Bachelor Pad: The Wrong Reasons.  What a hot mess that is going to be.  Still not sure how the money is going to figure into this whole thing.  I think you could get an STD just walking into that mansion so best to keep your distance - viewing through a TV is just fine!