Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Meet the Parents

Well, tonight's the night Ali meets the guys' families.  If you think about it, it's still early in the game to be trying to ingratiate yourself to someone's family.  I mean, you are dating three other people!  And at this point, were it the Bachelor, he might even be asking for a girl's hand in marriage.  Before the fantasy dates!  It's a weird time line.  BUT, meeting the family does allow our Bachelor/ette to see things he/she might not have before.  Anyone remember the bird burial in Jason's season?  I think it is fair to find out if your potential spouse is a ticking time bomb that might go mental some day.

Ali first flies to Tampa to see Roberto.  I am not sure if it was intentional, but both Roberto and Ali sort of looked like their shirts were made out of picnic table cloths.  Ali giggles her way on up to Roberto and kisses and hugs ensue.  Roberto used to play baseball in college and in the minors.  Now he is an insurance salesman in South Carolina, but to show Ali who he used to be he takes her to the University of Tampa baseball field. He pulls out all the stops - he gives her a jersey, he puts on his old uniform, and he even tries to teach her to play.  They relive his glory days for a bit.  If I'm being honest, it looked like Ali could play, but who knows how many balls she missed before they got the take where she hit it.  Then Roberto gives her his baseball card from her hometown, Williamstown, where he played for a team called the Steeplecats. I never noticed it before but Roberto has an enormous dent in his chin.  KnitWit Meredith suggests that perhaps it's because Ali's face is always on his.  Then they take a helicopter to his house.  Just kidding!  But you almost believed ABC would do that, didn't you!   Ali meets Roberto's mom and dad, Olga and Roberto, Sr., his brother, Peter, sister, Olga, and sister-in-law, Kristen. Roberto, Sr. shows Ali the trophy shrine to Roberto, Jr. and is clearly very proud.  He asks Ali her personal goals and if she would be willing to move for Roberto's job.  She answers that she needs something fulfilling for her as well and would want to make choice based on what was best for their hypothetical family.  Roberto's mom looks super youthful!!  He was talking to her outside and I thought she was the sister! Roberto has a sweet talk with his mom and she gives him her blessing.  Then they salsa dance and everyone's happy.

Ali's off to Cape Cod to hang out with Chris.  The whole thing is idyllic. Yes, it is raining a little bit, but they are having fun. They are out on the beach throwing a ball for Chris' black lab, Jenny. I notice that Ali is wearing what I am pretty sure are the same killer boots from the Turkish market - not so appropriate for the beach.  They are sinking in so much she might as well be wearing flats.  Doesn't look like it is bothering her though - just me.  She feels very at home in Massachusetts. They head to his house where he has lived with his dad since he moved home when his mom was sick.  Chris shows Ali some photos of his mom and the rest of his family and then they hug it out.  Sitting on the front porch of his awesome cottage, he tells her that his family is going to love her and then they smooch a little.  The family comes home: Dad, brothers, Mark and Eric, sister-in-law, Meagan, and future sister-in-law, Sarah.  Ali and Chris break out wine from their date in Portugal and share it with the family.  Meagan and Sarah have on the same bracelets like the one Chris gave Ali in Portugal.  Meagan also has Chris' mom's bracelet which is engraved "Love Is The Only Reality."  Message received!  The family all seems very natural and loving.  They do talk about Chris' mother's death quite a bit, but somehow it's not depressing - it just shows this family's strength.  Cute house, wonderful family, adorable dog - what more do you want?

Ali then visits Kirk in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Hugs and kisses!  They are going to see his father and stepmother and then to his mother's house.  The dad, stepmom and sister seem nice enough.  I am sure it didn't quite go down like this, but simply put, Kirk's dad asks Ali if she would like to go see his basement.  FYI - The answer to this question in all circumstances is "No."  Next question : "Would you like to go first?"  This is the question of a serial killer.  Run Ali!!!  And why isn't Kirk going with her? My mind went immediately to "It puts the lotion on its skin..." Ick.  And really that's not that far off since Kirk's dad's basement is covered with dead animals.  In his mind he is bringing these animals back to life, but they are oh so dead and cover every square inch of that basement.  I have to hand it to Ali - she manages to keep it together and have a conversation with the man.  I would have been too busy projectile vomiting.  Let's move on.  The most normal part of the visit is when they play soccer in the back yard with Kirk's cute little sister.  They move on to Kirk's mom's house to have dinner with his grandmother, Arlene, mother, Tina, and sister, Tori (I think).  They seem nice enough and everyone seems to like Ali.  Ali seems still concerned because Kirk has not had a long-term relationship and might not be prepared to jump into marriage.

On to Chicago!!  She and Frank hop on a boat to get a look at Chicago.  Look, I know Frank is the fashionista here, but I really question his choice of shirt.  I understand that it is some sort of designer fancy t-shirt, I don't care.  It looks like an undershirt.  Glad I got that off my chest.  Ali and Frank chat on the boat and the same issues arise: Frank's insecurities about the relationship.   Project much?  Ali's a smart girl though and can see that maybe he is questioning his feelings too.  They head to his house and meet his dad, Hank, mom, Debbie, sister, Becky, and brother-in-law, Chris.  They are all nice and seem to have a great collective sense of humor.  Ali chats with Debbie and then Becky.  Frank also confides in his family that he is just trying to figure out if this is a forever type relationship. Broken record. But his family loves her and Frank thinks she fit right in.  They kiss goodbye and she's off to LA!

Rose Ceremony!!  Look, I think we all have some idea of who is going home.  Ali is such a cheerful, silver-lining type gal, that she would never say anything about anyone's family, but one does stand out as being unusual.  And by the way, I am not buying the whole sweetness and light act all the time - last season is not so long ago when Ali had an issue with Vienna and really could not let it go.  We saw her inner bitch then.  And as long as I am picking on her - what's with the dress?  I didn't say anything last week, but she's pushing her luck.  Anyway, let's give Ali the benefit of the doubt and allow that it was not the family that forced this decision.  As they are standing in line Roberto and Chris are called first.  Down to Frank and Kirk.  And Frank takes the rose leaving Kirk high and dry.  Kirk was completely shocked and hurt.  He points out it is the first time anyone has ever broken up with him.

It really wasn't that exciting of an episode - would have been better if we hadn't seen so much in the previews before this week.  Tahiti next week should be fun though!!

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