Sunday, July 11, 2010

My own little princess

Last fall I knit the first item I had ever made that actually had to fit. I had made scarves, hats, booties and the like, but never anything that would fit to a body. A pattern in Fairy Tale Knits inspired me to do just that.

The Cinderella dress on page 31 was what I thought would be a tremendous challenge, but wound up being a quite enjoyable project! I used the recommended yarn, Knit Picks Shine Sport in the butter color. This is a delightfully soft yarn that has a lovely sheen to it as well. I ordered it right off the Knit Picks website and received the yarn promptly. I won't say this was my fastest project as it is knit on size 4 and 3 needles, but then again, I wasn't knitting every night.

The dress knits from the bottom up and the waist is created by a row of intermittent decreases. Just thereafter it is knit in three sections: the back and both sides of the front, so you will need to keep live stitches on stitch holders while working individual sections. The sleeves are knit right on to the arm holes and the edging of the neck is knit on as well. All this means that there is minimal finishing - a knitters dream! The eyelet pattern serves as the buttonholes along the front, echoing the border on the bottom.  The flowers at the waist are an easy knit and really could be made for a pin or to put on a headband - multiple purposes!

I would also like to comment that this is a beautiful book. The outside has a lovely texture and the patterns all look fabulous. Of course there are several dresses and fun things for girls, but I was also drawn in by the fact that there are so many patterns for boy knits. Pirate sweater, Robin Hood tunic, and Knight's chain maille - all look so cool! They will definitely be on my list to make for my son.

My happy daughter models the Cinderella dress!

1 comment:

  1. Just now getting caught up on reading blogs...she looks so pretty in her Cinderella dress!!! You're my inspiration! It makes my head hurt just to read your synopsis of how to make it.
